Arabic VideoGame – DeafCat Studios Arabic Voice Over, Dubbing, Subtitling, Video Production Tue, 22 Feb 2022 16:10:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Arabic VideoGame – DeafCat Studios 32 32 How Easy is it to Localize Chinese Video Games into Arabic Tue, 23 Nov 2021 11:09:37 +0000
Our process at DeafCat Studios has been tested and optimized to produce a top quality product quickly and efficiently. This is also true when we localize Chinese video games into Arabic. Recently DeafCat established an operation in China and has recruited Chinese speaking team members that help us close the cultural gap between our team in the middle east and China. The added value of having native Chinese resources on our team is that they understand the intricacies and specificities of the Chinese culture and they can relay very well our ideas and thoughts to the client et vice versa

Whether the video game is massive or tiny, the localization process is pretty the same and can be summed up into four distinct categories:

– Linguistic (this includes translation, diacritics and adaptation)
– Audio (VO recording of in-game lines)
– Marketing Asset Localization (Localizing all marketing assets such as trailers and producing customized content)
– Quality Assurance (language quality assurance as well as game testing.

With our current set-up and our new representative office in China, we are now more than ever capable of servicing a bigger Chinese customer base, while at the same time simplifying the process of localizing Chinese video games into Arabic; A process that might seem difficult to most Chinese clients especially due to the language barrier.

Check out our podcast below to learn more about localizing Chinese video games into Arabic:

How Can Chinese Startups Reach Customers in the Middle East? Mon, 01 Nov 2021 13:23:09 +0000

Bringing your idea to life in a start-up is an exciting yet challenging endeavor. Putting long hours to make it work and overcoming obstacles becomes your daily bread and butter. When things finally start to pick-up, so does the need to generate revenue. And if your target audience is in the Middle East, you will quickly realize that the biggest barrier to entry will be the cultural difference and mainly the language.

Generating leads to your business from the MENA regions requires you to have a very good communication plan that can resonate with your target audience. However, what works in China, doesn’t necessarily work in the Middle East et vice versa. For that reason, localizing your ideas in Arabic will bring you closer to your target audience and intern grow your business.

So what does localizing ideas mean? Well, let’s assume your startup is in the gaming industry and you are developing the next best selling game. Your game plot has been thought of in Chinese and all your marketing assets are also in Chinese, so in order to sell your game to an Arabic target audience, you will need to localize the game itself and all its assets into Arabic and also create new original marketing materials to support your campaign. Your social media posts, website and all other digital assets have to be localized in Arabic. Interviews have to be subtitled and gameplays have to be dubbed into Arabic. Therefore, having an expert partner in localizing video games into Arabic such as DeafCat Studios is key for your success.

Want to learn more about localizing ideas, listen to our podcasts here:

Arabic Video Game Localization Made Easy! Sat, 27 Jun 2015 13:23:03 +0000
1- Project Management: It is undeniably the most important building bloc of the job. When working on video game localization projects, the studio is usually working with multiple stakeholders such as translators, actors, quality reviewers, sound engineers and most importantly the game developers. It is important to submit all the material to the game developers exactly in the format they ask for, and they might ask for up to 10 different audio recording format to fit exactly within their game structure. With games that need over than 100 hours of audio recording and 10 different file formats, it is very crucial to have solid project management skills.

2- Comply with the instructions: Since we are working with international clients, it is very important to comply to the instructions that they have send us. We learned that the proper delivery of our files and following instructions to the letter, does not only help us ensure deliveries, but is also very important to the other stakeholders’ deliveries since they are directly related to our own.

3- Transparency and trust: Localization of video games into different languages such as Arabic usually means dealing with clients that have no clue about the language. They do not speak the language and they rely on us to provide them with proper guidance. Hence it is very important to explain to them every detail no matter how frustrating it might be. Sometimes we feel like we are giving Arabic 101 courses but we learned that it is very important to build trust with our clients.

4- Support: It is no secret that all clients like to have outstanding support when asking for our services. As a general rule at the studio, we always go out of our way to provide our clients with whatever support they need. For example, we recently installed Skype conferencing in our studio so that the client and his engineers can assist the recording sessions from overseas. They asked for it, we made it happen.

5- Committing to deliveries: We take our delivery commitments very seriously, for that we understand that our clients are usually very eager to get their products out. They have sales milestones to reach and these are absolutely dependent on our deliveries. Consequently, we feel it is our duty to do whatever it takes to meet the deadlines. Easier said than done, since we are usually running after moody talents and juggling schedules to be able to make sure not one single hour is wasted. It has been truly a blast working on all our video game localization into Arabic projects and we are happy that we acquired that skill. Feel free to drop us a line to discuss a potential collaboration with our studio.

You have a fantastic new game you want to release and want to reach those 300+ million Arabs? Well, we can help you localize your game into modern standard Arabic or the popular Lebanese dialect. Contact us today to learn more.]]>